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Dieser Spruch stammt von Ella Williams, die als erste schwarze Fr..... - BeFree Liebesschule

This saying comes from Ella Williams, who was the first black woman.....

This saying comes from Ella Williams, who became the first black woman to be voted Entrepreneur of the Year in the USA in 1999. Today she is a multi-millionaire. At the age of 40 she was left alone and completely impoverished after a failed relationship with two children. She had nothing, absolutely nothing, and often cried herself to sleep. On such a desperate night this sentence came to her mind. "Yes," she decided: "Starting today, the sun should shine on me, my children and my life!" Even if it seemed hopeless, she became self-employed and worked hard. And she did it: as a woman and as a black woman! Unbelievable. I met Ella Williams at a convention for women (about 1000 participants) many years ago. Asked how she made it despite her kids, she roared in a voice that made us all tremble, "Not despite my kids! Because of my kids!!!!" She was the first black woman to have dinner with the President in the White House. She worked her way out of a completely hopeless situation. And this sentence was her motivation. Ella Williams to us women back then: "If I've made it, you'll all make it!" To this day I am deeply impressed by her. How do you feel about her saying?